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Ballestas Islands

The Ballestas Islands are located off the shores of Paracas; they are three small islands:  North Ballestas, Central Ballestas and South Ballestas.  Each one of these islands has an approximate area of 0.12 square km.

They are rocky formations on which big colonies of dung birds, Humboldt variety of penguins and sea lions inhabit. Most of these species are described in the National Reserve of Paracas.

The marine resources that exist in this area is immense.  It is an ideal place for the practice of the scuba diving.   National and international championships of underwater hunting are held here.

You can arrive from Paracas to these islands in a boat with a circuit that has a minimum time of 2 hours.

This excursion will allow you to enter in direct contact with the virgin nature of a marine ecosystem, and to see colonies of birds and marine mammals that many times group in hundreds of thousands very close to each other; it is an incredible show.

See also: