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El Callao

Located at 14 kms. (8.7 miles) west of Lima, it is the main marine port of Peru. During the Conquest and the Viceroyalty, it was also the main port of all the Spanish Colonies in the Pacific Ocean, and the only one authorized to trade and transport goods to Spain. From here all the gold, silver and jewels that were extracted of the Peruvian territory were sent to the crown of Spain, via Panama.

Recommended places to visit

Real Felipe
Spanish military fortress, built between 1747 and 1774, bastion of defense of the port of Callao from the pirate and corsairs. It was the last defense wall during the independence of Peru. Designed by Luis Godín according to the plans of the Vaudan School that dominated the military art of the time. It possesses 70 thousand square meters of area, has pentagonal shape, 5 ramparts, walls, cord, railing, embankments and escapes. It possessed 188 canyons of brass and 124 of iron. At the moment part of this fortress constitutes a Military Historical Museum.

Military Historical Museum
Location: Real Felipe Fortress.
Schedule: Tuesday to Saturday from 10:00 to 13:30
Telephone: 429-1505

Inaugurated in 1946, exhibition of weapons collection used in the Independence and beginnings of the Republic, documents, military uniforms and relics that date since 1730. Visits to part of the Real Felipe Fortress.

Naval Museum Capitan de Navío Julio C. Elías
Location: Jorge Chávez Nº 126, Grau Square.
Attention: Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 12:00,
Sunday from 09:00 to 13:00
Telephone: 429-4793

Exhibition of collections of historical pieces from the Heroes of Angamos, naval weapons, historical documentation of the Peruvian Marine, models of ships, heroes' paintings and naval combats. Relics of Admiral Miguel Grau, maximum naval Hero in Peru.

In the south west part of Callao are located the spas "La Punta" and "Cantolao, residential area with attractive constructions and stony beaches, nautical clubs, sailboats and oar boats competitions, the Naval School is also located there.

See also: