Discover Cuzco
Hotels in Cuzco Tours and Vacation in Cuzco
Tipon Archaeological Complex - Cuzco  (Photos © Jorge Mazzotti)
25 Km / 16 miles southeast of Cuzco (45 minutes by car) on the tarred Cuzco - Puno highway, taking the turnoff near kilometer marker 20,5. According to legends, Tipon is one of the royal gardens that Wiracocha ordered to be built. It is made up of twelve terraces flanked by perfectly polished stonewalls and enormous agricultural terraces, canals, and decorative waterfalls that, along with the native flowers of the area, offers the visitor a stunning vision. The site is composed of different sectors: Tipon itself, Intiwatana, Pukutuyuj and Pucará, Cruz Moqo, the cemetery of Pitopujio, Hatun Wayq´o, among others. (PromPeru)

Our gratitude to the Hotel Libertador Palacio Inka
that allowed to obtain these photos

Hotel Libertador Palacio Inka Cuzco